Who Made You? - Exploring the Uncanny Valley (exclusive preview)

Bonjour et bienvenue sur cet article ! Aujourd’hui grande nouvelle la chaîne wocomoDOCS a sorti une nouvelle vidéo et toute la rédaction a été scotchée par ce dernier contenu sorti le 14 novembre 2020 sur Youtube…

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Aujourd'hui, 14 novembre 2020, la chaîne Youtube wocomoDOCS a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Who Made You? - Exploring the Uncanny Valley | Exclusive Preview of the Full Documentary. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

Gros buzz pour le moment pour cette dernière vidéo de wocomoDOCS, en effet le nombre de vues que comptabilise la vidéo est actuellement bien supérieur à la normale. C’est pour cette raison qu’on imagine que si ça continue dans ce sens, la vidéo pourrait bien se retrouver très rapidement en tendance Youtube.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Who Made You? - Exploring the Uncanny Valley | Exclusive Preview of the Full Documentary publiée par la chaine Youtube wocomoDOCS :

Rent or download this film on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/whomadeyou
Watch it on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Who-Made-You-Exploring-Uncanny/dp/B08MWWG52Q

Artificial intelligence is reaching our mental and physical existence like never before in the history of human kind. The film leads us to the world of cyborgs, sex robots and androids. It challenges us to face our values, ethics and rethink our position.
The guide in our stimulating journey is a young aspiring Dr. Michael Laakasuo who is making pioneering research on the field of ethics and AI. He stresses, that machine-ethics should not be left behind in the technological development. In order to keep our humanistic values on board with the development, we have to be awake -right now.
Eye-opening scenes from Finland, Spain, Sweden, Greece and Japan reveals the on-going processes and developments in global level. The film asks what the development of AI means to us as human beings. What does it mean for humanity, community, and how it will affect our perception of human? What are the values we want to hold on to?

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Directors word:
The starting point of this project was the overwhelming feeling of not knowing ANYMORE what is reality and what is science fiction.
Artificial intelligence is constantly developing and will find its way to every level in our daily life, and not all of it is wanted. The speed of the development is confusing, and I fear I will fall of the bandwagon. However, I am not alone. In this film, we will see children who meet a robot for the first time. These moments summarize, that we are indeed on the verge of the new era and we are witnessing the presence of the new species, whom we have to learn to live with. I wanted to capture the zeitgeist of this weird era and understand where are we going to.