'My Name is Salt' - An awarded film about an Indian family harvesting salt in the desert

Le 15 décembre 2017, la chaîne Youtube de wocomoDOCS a sorti un nouveau contenu qui a attiré toute notre attention, cet article va pouvoir donner un coup de projecteur dessus et pourquoi pas vous faire découvrir cette vidéo.

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Pour regarder la vidéo "My Name is Salt" - An awarded film about an Indian family harvesting salt in the desert qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube wocomoDOCS, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !

La vidéo fait un très bon démarrage depuis qu’elle a été téléversé sur la chaîne Youtube de wocomoDOCS et elle pourrait bien finir en tendance si les scores restent à ces niveaux. Il ne faudra cependant pas trop s’enflammer et attendre quelques jours pour voir si ce bon démarrage se confirme avec un buzz sur la durée.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo "My Name is Salt" - An awarded film about an Indian family harvesting salt in the desert publiée par la chaine Youtube wocomoDOCS :

Rent or download the complete film at vimeo: https://goo.gl/V782CF

Year after year, Sanabhai brings his family to a seasonal saline desert in Gujerat India, where they harvest what they proudly proclaim to be the world‘s whitest salt, using the same painstaiking, manual techniques as generations before them. Hardship and exploitation loom large in this film, but director Farida Pacha lets this speak for itself, instead fixing her gaze on the poetry and ritual of Sanabhai and his family‘s existence. Exquisite camerawork and a haunting score help Pacha expose the austere beauty of the subject.

Selected Press and Jury Clippings

»This stunningly poised portrait of a season‘s salt-panning … [is] a meditative, immersive picture of labour as an act of faith, made with striking flair and beauty.«
– Sight & Sound

»A beautifully-crafted meditation on the grueling work of salt production. (…) Director Farida Pacha and her cinematographer
Lutz Konermann manage to distill this process into something exquisite, a film crystalline in its austere purity, like the commodity of the title.«
– Hollywood Reporter

»Made with intimacy and compassion, the winning film (…) is never less than intriguing and gently fascinating. A beautifully observed film that takes the viewer on an absorbing journey into a strange and striking world.«
– Jury Statement IDFA Award for First Appearance

Director’s Bio

Farida Pacha was born on June 6, 1972 in Bombay. After obtaining a MFA in filmmaking at Southern Illinois University, USA, she has made several experimental, educational and documentary films. Her documentary THE SEEDKEEPERS won the 2006 Indian National Film Award. MY NAME IS SALT is her feature length documentary debut.

Selected Festivals & Awards

»IDFA Award for First Appearance« IDFA Amsterdam (2013)
»Best Documentary Feature Film« Edingburgh Int’l Film Festival (2014)
»Firebird Award« 38. Hong Kong Int’l Film Festival (2014)
»German Camera Award« Deutscher Kamerapreis (2014)
»First Price of the Jury« Documenta Madrid (2014)
Los Angeles FF, Melbourne IFF, Message to Men, Viennale, ...